Getting Started
Welcome to LyfeSchedule! This guide will introduce the most prominent features of this app.
Create a simple task
After signing in, you'll be looking at the Calendar view with today selected.
- Click on the Add task button under the calendar to open the add/edit dialog.
- Click on the Title field and type in "Try out LyfeSchedule".
- Keep Schedule as it is (with today selected), Repeat as it is (unchecked), and Time Estimate as it is (checked and set to 15 minutes).
- Click the ADD button. The dialog will close.
You will now see the "Try out LyfeSchedule" task.
Edit a task
Actually, this shouldn't take more than 5 minutes. Let's edit the task to change the estimate.
- Click on the "three dots" on the right side of the "Try out LyfeSchedule" task. This opens a menu of actions you can take on this task.
- Click the Edit option at the top of the menu to open the add/edit dialog.
- In the Time Estimate field, change "15" to "5", either by typing it in or using the arrow keys/buttons.
- Click the SAVE button. The dialog will close.
At the moment, the task won't immediately update in the list. Click on today in the calendar again or reload the page to refresh the UI.
Complete a task
Look at that, you've tried out LyfeSchedule! So now you can complete the task.
- Click on the open checkbox on the left side of the "Try out LyfeSchedule" task. The task will now be checked and gray.
- Feel the satisfaction wash over you.
Create a repeating task
One of the most powerful features is repeating tasks - these are tasks that re-occur after a certain amount of time, like many chores. We'll set up a example task here.
- Click on the Add task button under the calendar to open the add/edit dialog.
- Click on the Title field and type in "Wash the dishes".
- Keep Schedule as it is (with today selected).
- Click the checkmark to the left of Repeat.
- Observe that the days when the tasks will repeat are indicated on the Schedule calendar above with the 🔁 icon. You can change the Repeat value and see how that affects the repeat days there. But for now keep the Repeat set to "every 1 day".
- Click the ADD button. The dialog will close.
You will now see the "Wash the dishes" task today. Click on different days on the calendar and observe that "Wash the dishes" appears on all those days too.
Postpone a task
Any uncompleted tasks from previous days will roll over into today by default. However, as you are going through your day, it's common to intentionally postpone a task to a later day - whether something came up, there are more important things, or you just don't feel like it, that's your call! Let's say you don't have time today to wash the dishes, so you will postpone it to tomorrow.
This is just an example, it's not recommended to actually leave dirty dishes unwashed.
- Click on today on the calendar.
- Click on the "three dots" on the right side of the "Wash the dishes" task to display the task options menu.
- Under "Postpone to", click on Tomorrow. The task will disappear from today's task list.
- Click on tomorrow on the calendar, where "Wash the dishes" will now appear in red. This indicates that it's overdue.
Next steps
Those are the basics! Now you can start entering your tasks and using LyfeSchedule as you see fit. Here are some more resources for your reference:
- Review the recommended approach for adding tasks: Add tasks gradually based on your responsibilities and goals
- Customize the app to your liking: Settings